I support and promote craftsmanship that is truly eco-sustainable, in all respects.
This is why I have dedicated, and continue to dedicate, a great deal of time to research and experimentation into the production of natural coatings for the protection of my wooden products.
Although today the coatings industry is able to meet almost all of the demands of the consumer, I have never felt comfortable with the synthetic products on the market, which do not, in my view, meet one fundamental requirement: that they have little or no impact on the environment and give the wood an appearance that is as natural as possible.
For this reason, I have started making all of my own wood finishing products, from impregnating agents to finishing varnishes, including waxes and encaustics, all of which are made from natural raw materials and are free of any additives.

The choice of raw materials is a fundamental component in the production of natural coatings.
I use primary oils with the best possible purity, and from them I try to draw their qualities to make a product that can nourish and protect the wood at its best.
Some resins can be mixed together in order to improve their characteristics: still today in the field of violin making and fine arts these techniques are widely used.
Disponendo di una vasta scelta di oli diversi, siccativi e non, oltre a resine e gomme naturali, riesco a creare, anche in piccole quantità, prodotti che meglio si adattano alla tipologia di legno specifica che devo trattare, si essa una conifera resinosa oppure un legno esotico.
Credo che un buon esempio di artigianato passi anche da questo: garantire al cliente competenza e professionalità, in linea con le sue aspettative.
Having a wide choice of different oils, siccative and not, as well as resins and natural gums, I can create, even in small quantities, products that best suit the specific type of wood that I have to treat, from resinous conifer to an exotic wood.
I believe that a good example of craftsmanship also comes from this: guaranteeing the client competence and professionalism, in line with his expectations.

In absolute terms, it can be said that synthetic coatings are more resistant than natural coatings; however, we need to consider the context in which the object we are protecting will be used and its intended use: many of the resins I use, for example, can also be used for wood that is exposed outdoors, given that nature itself has created them for this purpose.
Another aspect, in my opinion very important, is the restoration of the finish that has been ruined over time: almost always a synthetic varnish must be completely removed, bringing the wood back to its bare state, before it can be applied again.
Conversely, this is almost never necessary if we choose a natural finish.
Finally, the aesthetic side, although this is a purely subjective parameter: wood is a beautiful material and I want to avoid making it ugly with products that create films with an unrealistic appearance.
Do you want to try to make a impregnating oil based?
Or a pure solution of shellac for pad applications?